Jiří Hasman, Ph.D.

Jiří Hasman, Ph.D.

Address: Legerova 5, Praha 2, room no.  319

E-mail: hasman@natur.cuni.cz

Main research interests: migration, development and Africa, spatial distribution of immigrants, attitudes towards immigrants and immigration

Published articles (selection)

SUCHÁNEK, J., HASMAN, J. (2023): Geografie nespokojenosti a odporu: časoprostorová analýza volebních výsledků populistické radikální pravice v Česku mezi lety 1992–2021. Geografie, 128, 2, 203–229. 

HASMAN, J., KŘÍŽKOVÁ, I. (2023): Spatial Incorporation of Multiple Immigrant Groups in Gateway Cities: Comparative Analysis of Sydney, Barcelona, and Prague. International Migration Review, 57, 1, 128–159.

HASMAN, J., DIVÍNOVÁ, P. (2020): Regionální rozdíly ve vnímání mezinárodní migrace studenty středních škol a jejich podmiňující faktory. Sociologický časopis, 56, 1, 57–83.

HASMAN, J., NOVOTNÝ, J. (2018): Uncovering the Patterns of the US Geography of Immigration by an Analysis of Spatial Relatedness between Immigrant Groups. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 11, 2, 257–286.

PŘIDALOVÁ, I., HASMAN, J. (2018): Immigrant Groups and the Local Environment: Socio-Spatial Differentiation in Czech Metropolitan Areas. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 118, 1, 72–87.

NOVOTNÝ, J., HASMAN, J. (2016): Exploring the Spatial Relatedness Network of the Global System of International Migration. Journal of Maps, 12, Sup1, 570–576.

NOVOTNÝ, J., HASMAN, J. (2015): The Emergence of Regional Immigrant Concentrations in USA and Australia: A Revealed Relatedness Approach. PLOS One, 10, 5, 1–20.

Book chapters (selection)
Monographs (selection)
Personal profiles


Professional experience
  • 2015 onwards assistant professor, Faculty of Science, Charles University 
  • 2015–2017 assistant professor, Faculty of Education, Charles University

Current research projects

The geography of discontent and resentment: A spatiotemporal analysis of populist radical right voting in Czechia

Our team members, Jonáš Suchánek and Jiří Hasman, have published a new article on the electoral support of radical right political parties in Czechia. The article is available HERE (in Czech).     Členové týmu Geomigrace Jonáš Suchánek a Jiří Hasman...

New article: Spatial Incorporation of Multiple Immigrant Groups in Gateway Cities

A new paper by Jiří Hasman and Ivana Křížková has been published in the International Migration Review. The paper, titled Spatial Incorporation of Multiple Immigrant Groups in Gateway Cities: Comparative Analysis of Sydney, Barcelona, and Prague, tests the theories of...

Students-foreigners in the classroom

New publication “Students-foreigners in the classroom” was published by a group of authors including Jiří Hasman from the Geomigrace team. Find more information HERE (the book is in Czech).

Regional Differences in Attitudes towards international Migration by Secondary School Students and their Determinants

Jiří Hasman (Geomigrace) and Pavlína Divínová have published a new article “Regional Differences in Attitudes towards international Migration by Secondary School Students and their Determinants” in the Czech Sociological Review. More information is available HERE (the...

Members of our team participated in the 12th Polish-Czech-Slovak geographic seminar

Between June 12 and June 14, 2019, members of our team participated in a traditional meeting of geographers from Czechia, Poland and Slovakia. This year, the meeting was held in Lochow, Poland. The contributions of our team members were: Vít Bořil, Jonáš Suchánek:...