Kristýna Janurová, M.A. (born Peychlová)
Address: Legerova 5, Praha 2, room no. 318
E-mail: kristyna.janurova@natur.cuni.cz
Main research interests: Czech emigration, migrant civic participation, transnationalism, migrant family relationships, family and social policy
Published articles (selection)
JANUROVÁ, K., PAVELKOVÁ, L. (2018): Česko jako malá laboratoř mezinárodní migrace. Geografické rozhledy, 27, 4, 20–23.
Book chapters (selection)
JANSKÁ, E. , JANUROVÁ, K. (2020): Diaspora Policies and Social Protection in Czechia. In: Lafleur, J.-M., Vintila, D. (eds): Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond: Comparing Consular Services and Diaspora Policies. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham, 123–141.
NEŠPOROVÁ, O., JANUROVÁ, K. (2018): Working Fathers and Childcare in the Czech Republic. In: Santero, A., Musumeci, R. (eds.): Fathers, Childcare and Work: Cultures, Practices and Policies. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, 103–128.
PEYCHLOVÁ, K. (2014): East to West migration in the EU and the mobility-enclosure dialectic. In: Batueva, E. et al. (eds.). Challenges of International Migration II: Migration and Regional Development in Europe through the Eyes of Young Professionals. Oeconomica Publishing House, Praha, 91–98.
Monographs (selection)
KUCHAŘOVÁ, V., BARVÍKOVÁ, J., HÖHNE, S., JANUROVÁ, K., NEŠPOROVÁ, O., PALONCYOVÁ, J., SVOBODOVÁ, K. & VIDOVIĆOVÁ, L. (2019): Česká rodina na počátku 21. století: životní podmínky, vztahy a potřeby. Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON) v koedici s Výzkumným ústavem práce a sociálních věcí, v.v.i., Praha.
NEŠPOROVÁ, O., HOLPUCH, P., JANUROVÁ, K., KUCHAŘOVÁ, V. (2019): Sčítání osob bez domova v České republice 2019: Kategorie bez střechy a vybrané kategorie bez bytu podle typologie ETHOS. VÚPSV, v.v.i., Praha.
Professional experience
- from 2013 onwards – researcher at the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs
- 2016 fellowship at the Leibniz Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg, Germany
- 2012 internship at the Office of the Special Envoy for Expatriate Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
- 2010–2012 International Migration and Ethnic Relations (master programme), Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, Sweden
Current research projects
2020–2022 Technological Agency of the Czech Republic project: New approaches to the coordination of diaspora policy
- Contemporary trends in migration studies
- workshops Kudy vedou cesty migrantů (Where do the migrants go) for primary and secondary schools