prof. Dagmar Dzúrová
Address: Albertov 6, Praha 2, room no. 224
E-mail: dzurova@natur.cuni.cz
Main research interests: health status of migrants
Published articles (selection)
DRBOHLAV, D., DZÚROVÁ, D. (2017): Social Hazards as Manifested Workplace Discrimination and Health (Vietnamese and Ukrainian Female and Male Migrants in Czechia). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 14, 1207, 1–16.
DZÚROVÁ, D., DRBOHLAV, D. (2014): Gender Inequalities in the Health of Immigrants and Workplace Discrimination in Czechia. BioMed Research International, 2014.
DZÚROVÁ, D., WINKLER, P., DRBOHLAV, D. (2014): Immigrants’ Access to Health Insurance: No Equality without Awareness. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,11, 7, 7144–7153.
MALMUSI, D., DRBOHLAV, D., DZÚROVÁ, D., PALENCIA, L., BORRELL, C. (2014): Inequalities in Healthcare Access by Type of Visa in a Context of Restrictive Health Insurance Policy: the Case of Ukrainians in Czechia. International Journal of Public Health, 59, 5, 715–719.
DRBOHLAV, D., DZÚROVÁ, D. (2007): “Where Are They Going?“ Immigrant Inclusion in the Czech Republic (A Case Study on Ukrainians, Vietnamese, and Armenians in Prague). International Migration, 45, 2, 1–25.
Book chapters (selection)
DRBOHLAV, D., ČERNÍK, J., DZÚROVÁ, D. (2005): Dimensions of Integration: Migrant Youth in Central European Countries; Country Report on the Czech Republic. In: Dimensions of Integration: Migrant Youth in Central European Countries. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Vienna, 51–99.
Monographs (selection)
DRBOHLAV, D., MEDOVÁ, L., ČERMÁK, Z., JANSKÁ, E., ČERMÁKOVÁ, D., DZÚROVÁ, D. (2010): Migrace a (i)migranti v Česku. Kdo jsme, odkud přicházíme, kam jdeme? Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), Praha.
DRBOHLAV, D., MEDOVÁ-LACHMANOVÁ, L., JANSKÁ, E., DZÚROVÁ, D., ČERMÁKOVÁ, D., ČERMÁK, Z. (2009): Irregular and Informal Economic Activities of Migrants in the Czech Republic. International Migration Papers 91. Interational Labour Organization, Geneva.
Professional experience
- 2002–2003 One-year post-doctoral stay at University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health, USA
- 2002 senior research fellow, Dept. of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, United Kingdom
- 1998–2001, 2003–2008 external collaborator of Psychiatrické centrum Praha
- 1998–2003 member of the Steering Committee, European Science Foundation, programme Social Variations in Health
Current research projects
2018–2023 UNCE UK: Regions and places during intensive globalization: underlying forces and mechanisms of development
2018–2020 Technological Agency of the Czech Republic project: Managing migration with a special focus on Ukraine as a tool for reducing the workforce deficit and increasing the competitiveness of Czech industry
Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science, Charles University
Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Social Science, Masaryk University, Brno