by Jonáš | Dec 17, 2023 | Dušan Drbohlav, Publications
Dušan Drbohlav is one of the authors of the chapter called Global Change and Human Mobility in the Anthropocene which was published in a volume entitled Research Directions, Challenges and Achievements of Modern Geography (editors Jerzy Bański and Michael Meadows)....
by Jonáš | Apr 28, 2023 | Jiří Hasman, Jonáš Suchánek, Publications
Our team members, Jonáš Suchánek and Jiří Hasman, have published a new article on the electoral support of radical right political parties in Czechia. The article is available HERE (in Czech). Členové týmu Geomigrace Jonáš Suchánek a Jiří Hasman...
by Jonáš | Feb 11, 2023 | Dagmar Dzúrová, Dušan Drbohlav, Publications
Journal Geografie has published article by Dušan Drbohlav and Dagmar Dzúrová with the title Social remittances and interpersonal communication: Moldovans in Prague and Turin. More information about the article is HERE.
by Jonáš | Dec 21, 2022 | Publications
Members of our team, Jonáš Suchánek and Jiří Hasman, have just published a new article with the title (Nativist with(out) a cause: a geographical analysis of the populist radical right in the 2017 and 2021 Czech parliamentary elections). The article is available...
by Jonáš | Mar 14, 2022 | Jiří Hasman, Publications
A new paper by Jiří Hasman and Ivana Křížková has been published in the International Migration Review. The paper, titled Spatial Incorporation of Multiple Immigrant Groups in Gateway Cities: Comparative Analysis of Sydney, Barcelona, and Prague, tests the theories of...
by Jonáš | May 25, 2021 | Dagmar Dzúrová, Dušan Drbohlav, Publications
New article titled Migrant Remitting as Transnational Practice: Moldovans in Italy and Czechia has been published by our colleagues Dagmar Dzúrová and Dušan Drbohlav and professor Adrian J. Bailey from the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University. The...