Dita Čermáková, Ph.D.
E-mail: dita@natur.cuni.cz
Main research interests: international migration, economic activities of immigrants, irregular migration, migrant businesses, migrants’ mobility, social integration of immigrants
Published articles (selection)
ČERMÁKOVÁ, D., LEONTIYEVA, Y. (2017) “I do not Mind Immigrants: It is Immigration that Bothers me”: The Inconsistency of Immigration Attitudes in Europe. Geografie, 122, 4, 500–525.
DRBOHLAV, D., ČERMÁKOVÁ, D. (2016): “A New Song or Evergreen…?” The Spatial Concentration of Vietnamese Migrants’ Businesses on Prague’s Sapa Site. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 41, 4, 427–447.
ČERMÁKOVÁ, D., SCHOVÁNKOVÁ, S., FIEDLEROVÁ, K. (2011): Podnikání cizinců v Česku: vliv struktury příležitostí. Geografie, 116, 4, 440–461.
ČERMÁKOVÁ, D., NEKORJAK, M. (2009): Ukrainian Middleman System of Labour Organization in the Czech Republic Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 100, 1, 33–43.
Book chapters (selection)
Monographs (selection)
DRBOHLAV, D., MEDOVÁ, L., ČERMÁK, Z., JANSKÁ, E., ČERMÁKOVÁ, D., DZÚROVÁ, D. (2010): Migrace a (i)migranti v Česku. Kdo jsme, odkud přicházíme, kam jdeme? Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), Praha.
DRBOHLAV, D., MEDOVÁ-LACHMANOVÁ, L., JANSKÁ, E., DZÚROVÁ, D., ČERMÁKOVÁ, D., ČERMÁK, Z. (2009): Irregular and Informal Economic Activities of Migrants in the Czech Republic. International Migration Papers 91. Interational Labour Organization, Geneva.
Professional experience
- from 2015 – onwards the Czech Academy of Science, Institute of Sociology, Department of Values in the Society
- 2006 University of Milano, Department of Social & Political Studies of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Milan, Italy
- 2005 University of Amsterdam, Institute of Migration and Ethnic Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Current research projects
2020–2024 Výzkum na ESS Round 9 a ESS Round 10