Social Remittances upon Closer Examination: Moldovan Migrants in Prague, Czechia and Turin, Italy
A new article has been just published by Dušan Drbohlav and Dagmar Dzúrová. The title Social Remittances upon Closer Examination: Moldovan Migrants in Prague, Czechia and Turin, Italy suggests that the article deals with one of our main research topics, social...
Populism, migration and the virtual world
Jonáš Suchánek, Vít Bořil (members of the Geomigrace team) and Tomáš Bendl have published an article in Geografické rozhledy about populism and migration with the focus on social media. More information can be found HERE (in Czech).
Students-foreigners in the classroom
New publication “Students-foreigners in the classroom” was published by a group of authors including Jiří Hasman from the Geomigrace team. Find more information HERE (the book is in Czech).
Local integration of immigrants: the Kolín region
A new article by Lenka Pavelková (our team) and Michala Musilová (Centre for Integration of Foreigners) was published in Geografické rozhledy, a journal aimed at teachers of geography. The article deals with local integration of immigrants in the Kolín region where...
Regional Differences in Attitudes towards international Migration by Secondary School Students and their Determinants
Jiří Hasman (Geomigrace) and Pavlína Divínová have published a new article “Regional Differences in Attitudes towards international Migration by Secondary School Students and their Determinants” in the Czech Sociological Review. More information is available HERE (the...
Conference Making Connections: Cooperation and Networking in Geographical Education
Between August 10 and August 13, 2021, a conference was held at the Faculty of Science (and online) on geographical education. Our team member, Lenka Pavelková, participated with other colleagues from the Faculty - they presented a poster on education in political...
IMISCOE Annual Conference
Right now, from July 7 to July 9, 2021, the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference is being held online. Several members of our team also participate in this prestigious events with the following contributions: Dušan Drbohlav and Dagmar Dzúrová: Social remittances and...
IOM Summer School on Migration Studies 2020
The IOM Summer School on Migration Studies is held in Prague from August 24 to August 28, 2020, in cooperation with our research centre. Among the speakers, you can find Dušan Drbohlav and Eva Janská, the members of our team. This year, it is possible to follow the...
Ekofrukt excursion to Slaný
Cherry-picking was a great start to the day thanks to the Geomigrace team who organised this one-day excursion to Slaný on Tuesday 16/06/2020, attended by a group of bachelors and doctoral students of geography at our faculty. After meeting the boss of the orchards,...
The awards for best theses in the field of migration have been decided
The team members have decided on the results of the competition for the best thesis in the field of migration and integration. Out of six theses submitted, three were given awards: 1st place: Vendula Bartošová (Palacky University): Re-emigration of Czechs in Great...