assoc. prof. Eva Janská
Phone number: 00 420 221 95 1396
Address: Albertov 6, Praha 2, room no. 348
Main research interests: international migration, migrant integration, Latin America
Published articles (selection)
JANSKÁ, E., HASMAN, J., ČERMÁK, Z. (2020): How Transnational Migrants Integrate: The Case of Moldovans Living in Czechia and Italy. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 56(6).
JANSKÁ E., BERNARD J. (2018): Mobility and Assimilation of Immigrants: Variations in Migration Patterns of Ukrainians and Vietnamese in the Czech Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports, 26, 244–254.
JANSKÁ, E., PAUKNEROVÁ, K., KOROPECKÁ, M. (2017): Transnational Behaviour of Ukrainian Remitting Migrants. Tijds. voor econ. en soc. geog, 108(5), 656–668.
JANSKÁ E., BERNARD J. (2015): Koncentrační či dekoncentrační procesy? Faktory ovlivňující vnitřní migraci imigrantů v Česku. Geografie: Sborník České geografické společnosti, 120, 585–602.
JANSKÁ E., ČERMÁK Z., WRIGHT R. (2014): New Immigrant Destinations in a New Country of Immigration: Settlement Patterns of Non-natives in the Czech Republic. Population, Space and Place, 20, 680–693.
Book chapters (selection)
JANSKÁ, E. , JANUROVÁ, K. (2020): Diaspora Policies and Social Protection in Czechia. In: Lafleur, J.-M., Vintila, D. (eds): Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond: Comparing Consular Services and Diaspora Policies. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham, 123–141.
SVOBODOVÁ, A., JANSKÁ, E. (2016): Identity Development Among Youth of Vietnamese Descent in the Czech Republic. In: Seeberg M., Goździak E. (eds) Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham, 121–137.
DRBOHLAV, D., JANSKÁ, E., ČERMÁK, Z. (2015): O zrodu a významu remitencí v hospodaření migrantů v cílové zemi (Příklad ukrajinských migrantů v Praze). In: Drbohlav, D. (ed.): Ukrajinská pracovní migrace v Česku: Migrace – remitence – (rozvoj). Karolinum, Praha, 69–96.
JANSKÁ E. (2014): Vývoj mezinárodní migrace v Argentině od poloviny 19. do začátku 21.století. In: Vlková Hingarová, V., Nemrava, D. (eds.): Argentina napříč obory: současné pohledy. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc, 137–156.
Monographs (selection)
Professional experience
- 2016 Visiting scholar, ÖAW (Institute for Urban and Regional Research/Austrian Academy of Sciences), Vienna, Austria
- 1995 Exchange student programme, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Faculty of Arts
Current research projects
2020–2022 Technological Agency of the Czech Republic project: New approaches to the coordination of diaspora policy
2018–2020 Technological Agency of the Czech Republic project: Managing migration with a special focus on Ukraine as a tool for reducing the workforce deficit and increasing the competitiveness of Czech industry
- Migrace a rozvoj (Migration and development)
- Geografie migrace (Geography of migration)
- Latinská Amerika (Latin America)
- Seminář Latinská Amerika (Seminar Latin America)
- Integrace, integrační politiky a praxe (Integration, integration policies and practises)