New book: “Transnational trajectories and diaspora policies”
The book was published by Karolinum and was written by an international team of authors led by Assoc. Eva Janská from the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development. The book examines diaspora policy in Central European countries in the context of changes...
Dušan Drbohlav is one of the co-authors of a new text on mobility in anthropocene
Dušan Drbohlav is one of the authors of the chapter called Global Change and Human Mobility in the Anthropocene which was published in a volume entitled Research Directions, Challenges and Achievements of Modern Geography (editors Jerzy Bański and Michael Meadows)....

The geography of discontent and resentment: A spatiotemporal analysis of populist radical right voting in Czechia
Our team members, Jonáš Suchánek and Jiří Hasman, have published a new article on the electoral support of radical right political parties in Czechia. The article is available HERE (in Czech). Členové týmu Geomigrace Jonáš Suchánek a Jiří Hasman...
New article: Social remittances and interpersonal communication: Moldovans in Prague and Turin
Journal Geografie has published article by Dušan Drbohlav and Dagmar Dzúrová with the title Social remittances and interpersonal communication: Moldovans in Prague and Turin. More information about the article is HERE.
New article by Jonáš Suchánek and Jiří Hasman
Members of our team, Jonáš Suchánek and Jiří Hasman, have just published a new article with the title (Nativist with(out) a cause: a geographical analysis of the populist radical right in the 2017 and 2021 Czech parliamentary elections). The article is available...
Get involved in volunteering abroad
Please find more information here.
Thesis award for master theses in the field of international migration
The call for theses in the field the field of international migration is now open! You can submit your master thesis in Czech, English or Slovak language by May 17, 2024. All participants will be invited to a migration seminar where the winners will receive a prize in...
The preparation for the Summer School on Migration Studies 2024 has begun
It is our pleasure to share the first information about this year's Summer School on Migration Studies. The summer school will take place from August 18 to August 24, 2024, at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, and this year the main focus will be on the...

Summe School on Migration Studies 2023 was successful
Over fifty students from more than 25 countries attended the traditional Summer School on Migration Studies from 27 August to 2 September 2023, organized by the Geomigration team in cooperation with IOM Prague and the United Nations Information Centre in Prague...
Summer School on Migration Studies 2023 – Final Programme
The Summer School on Migration Studies 2023 is quickly approaching and the final programme is available HERE. There are also a few places for participants available - if you are interested, send us an e-mail to